Commonly used water heaters
Storage tank or traditional type water heaters
These kinds of water heaters have a reservoir to store the hot water. This type of water heaters are used for daily use. It has some limitations ,like if we have a guest in our home ,normally the usage of hot water will increase. Temperature may vary according to the use. It has a lifespan of 10-13 years.
Tankless or on-demand water heaters
These water heaters deliver hot water according to our demand without storing into a reservoir. These kinds of water heaters are designed to supply unlimited hot water according to our requirements. When compared to traditional water heaters ,Tankless water heaters can last up to 20 years.
Solar water heaters
These water heaters use solar energy to heat the water and store it in a tank. It is a renewable source of energy and it can also save money on energy bills.
How to choose the best water heaters among the wide range of water heaters
Fuel type
Fuel type plays an important role when considering a water heater as the annual operation cost will depend on the fuel type that the water heaters are using to boil the water. Water heaters are compatible with oil, gas, electric and solar for heating the water and everything has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Check out American made Commercial Bradford White Water Heaters from their exclusive distributors in UAE for your office, factories or any commercial space.
Choosing the right capacity depends on the amount of hot water you will need in your home, factories or your workspace. Worried about the right capacity for your home ? Don’t worry ! SME has the best team of experts with years of experience in installing, repairing and maintaining water heaters. Also, Check out the amazing residential water heaters of Bradford white waters in UAE .
Check out the American made Bradford White Water Heaters from their exclusive distributors in the UAE !
Energy efficiency
The water heater must give maximum energy at minimum cost. You should check the energy efficiency of the water heater before buying it. Without checking the efficiency this may contribute a large bill.
Cost and availability
Before buying a water heater ,it will be good to calculate the annual operating cost and compare it with the models available in the market. Then pick the best from it.
Check Out these amazing American made Bradford white water heaters from the exclusive distributors of Bradford white water heaters in UAE